June 18, 2012

Sick Babies are NO Trip to The Park!

A whole day of trying to get a fever down with no luck. Tons of snuggles and hugs and "awwww the poor thing."

Motrin finally helped, but for 3 hours. Then fever was back. Then comes bedtime. Here's how it went (or goes since its only 1:30am.

7:30-8:30 sleep
Wake up
8:55-10:09 sleep
Wake up
10:29-11:40 sleep
Wake up
11:50-12:06 sleep
Wake up
12:12-1-15 sleep
Wake up and NOT go back to sleep

I feel bad for Lucas but I also feel bad for me. Ryan has been a huge help but he has to work in the morning so he needs some sleep. I wonder what's wrong? Teeth? Ears? Mystery bug? Our daycare visit? Mommy group?


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