June 12, 2012


Living across from the beach makes it somewhat easier to make beach days happen but not as easy as I thought! Lucas had a beach day in key west and has been on the beach many times but not for the purpose of relaxing there. Sunday was his first "day" at our beach.

After mama located out beach badges. (only took an our of searching every draw and cabinet) we walked with minimal items. We have an amazing pop up beach tent made by genji that is freaking amazing and worth every penny. Luckily Lucas fell asleep on the way so he slept for most of the two hours we spent on the beach.

Once he woke up he sort of enjoyed then inside of the tent. It was a HOT day and the water way too cold so Lucas was not very comfortable. It will get easier and once maybe I allow him to touch the sand he will enjoy it more. I have a post to follow about him and grass. I finally let him touch it. I know I'm pathetic but the pesticides freak me out.

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