May 3, 2012

What a day (or two)

I think I almost had a breakdown today. Maybe I did have one? I know I am supposed to accept the sleep issue but it is now a nap issue as well. His night was decent, woke up twice. The issue is that he is up for the day between 4:30am and 5:30am. Today he napped for 15 minutes. Not only is he not getting enough hours of sleep, he is soooooooooo exhausted that he cries/screams/whines all day again. I'm exhausted and burned out and emotionally drained. I'm sick of hearing peoples opinions and how I can "fix" him. Ryan came home and tried a modified CIO and I sat on the bathroom floor crying. He screamed so Uncontrollably it broke my heart. It wound up not working. 5 minutes felt like 5 hours. I'm done. If he needs to nap on me, I'm too tired to fight that. I want my happy baby back. I have no photos today since there was not one happy moment in the day. This photo is deceiving. He looks like he is sleeping but he is really crying. Little guy breaks my heart sometimes. Ryan took off work tomorrow. I think he is worried about me. I'm fine. Just struggling temporarily.

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