May 4, 2012

Can't ignore the good

We moved his bedtime up. Bath is at 7. Then Jammie's, feeding, and bed. He was asleep by 7:45 in his crib. He slept 8.... Yes I said EIGHT straight hours! First time in four and a half months. He had pooped and I feel had he not, he would have slept longer. He got a new diaper, nursed and back to sleep for a few more hours. The best was since Ryan took off to help me, he got up with him at 7 and I slept till 8!!!

Even better.... Ryan got him napping right now.....IN HIS CRIB. He is going on 30 minutes and I think I should go back to work and Ryan should stay home with him. I clearly don't mean that but he is so much better than me in certain areas.

I wish I had a photo of him in his crib napping but I am too scared to go near his room from fear of him smelling Me or my milk. It's before 10am and I already made omelettes for us and showered!!!!

We plan to continue baths at 7pm and after a few days do it at 6:45 so he is asleep by 7:30.

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