April 25, 2012

Sleep? What's that?

Call it what you want. The 4 month wakeful, Growth Spurt, Torture.....either way it is killing me!!! Each night I am super hopeful he will sleep well. Each night gets worse.

Last night was the worst yet. He went down in his crib at 8. Up screaming at 8:45. Ryan and I attempted to soothe with no luck. Ryan fed him the rest of his bottle and back down in his crib. One hour later at 10, up again. This time screaming bloody murder. It took me 45 minutes to calm him. Back down again and up every 1.5 hours. He finally refused to go back to sleep at 4am.

I threw in the towel, he is in his swing after almost 2 hours of laughing at me. I am watching his beautiful HEAVY eyelids blink sloooooowly as I realize that I can never be mad at him. I am more worried he isn't feeling good. No temp, teething but no teeth cutting yet.

His 4 month appointment is tomorrow and I feel like a failure. Stupid, I know. I am not a complete failure, just a sleep related one. I never put him down drowsy but awake , that only works for swing naps. I also nurse him to sleep. I also don't let him CIO yet, at least not more than a few unbearable minutes.

One night, I will go to bed and wake up in the morning.
(sorry the photo is dark. I wasn't about to risk waking him up with a flash or a light.

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