April 26, 2012

4 Months!!!

Lucas had his 4 month appointment today, on his 4 month birthday. Here are his stats:

Weight: 16lbs 1oz 75%
Height: 25.75 inches 80%
Head: 43cm 71%

His doctor is very impressed with his strength. He sits up with minimal assistance an can sit alone for about 5-10 second until he sits folded over. He stands up great as long as we just hold his hands. He still has only rolled a few times but has done both belly to back and back to belly.

She saw two teeth at the surface which explains his pain and lack of sleep. She said/agreed with starting foods slowly at six months. She also doesn't believe in any sleep training till at least six months. Yay again! I just feel he is not ready for it. I am ready for more sleep but that's less important.

He got two shots today. DTaP and Polio. Next month he will get Prevnar and HIB. He actually belly laughed when he got his shots....unreal.

He was loving all the attention she gave him and was nuzzling in her neck. He was babbling and cooing an screeching which was adorable.

She reassured me that all babies are different and I need to be ok with that and accept many babies wake up often at night and bit doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong. It made me feel better.

That is all I can remember and my baby needs some snuggles after a rough day.

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