March 2, 2012

Me and my brilliant ideas

UGHHHHHHHHHHH. That's how I feel right now at 7am after being awake every 2 hours. I had a complete failure of an evening and it was ALL my fault. After listening to a few moms at my New Moms Group I decided to try to put Lucas to bed earlier. We currently have a bedtime routine that works for us. 9pm bath, 9:15 massage and naked tummy time. 9:30 boobie milk bottle from Ryan. Asleep at 10. He has always gone right down with no crying fussing or anything.
I tried to simply move everything up an hour. Of course last night was the one evening he wasn't fussing and took an afternoon and evening nap. Stupid night to try this change. He didn't tire himself out from his usual 5-9 pm crying fest. I knew something was off when for the first time he didn't enjoy bath time. He was wide eyes for his bottle and did not pass out after. It was 9pm and no sign of sleep. He was calm but not going to sleep. I finally bounced him in my arms till 10:30 and he fell asleep. Funny thing is that is his usual fall asleep time. He didn't want the change! He also got me back by waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours. What a night! Boy did he show me for trying to change his schedule!
On another note. After spending 145 bucks for the deluxe plus angelcare movement monitor, and making Ryan put it together ASAP I completely chickened out last night. Why do I feel like he will be lonely in his crib all by himself???? I am pathetic! My plan was to have him with me till like 4-6 months and at only 2 months even though his noises drive me crazy and I think he will sleep better on his tummy, I'm just not ready! Maybe I will try again Saturday night or use a PNP with the monitor next to my bed. I thought about sleeping on the couch in his room for a night but there is something about him being in the crib that I'm not ok with yet. TOTALLY nuts, I am very aware!!!!


psych127 said...

If it's working don't fix it

psych127 said...

I don't see Babylegs

Kristen said...

I like the babylegs, even if we don't use them.
I also wanted to say that I really enjoy reading about Lucas (and seeing how similar he and LB are!) - and I like his outfits. He's very stylish!