February 24, 2012

More to Add to my Plate

We have already established My birth experience was horrific. We established that the first few days of his life were rough. We know my first month of breastfeeding was just AWFUL. My recovery from birth=almost impossible!! How could there be more? I am recovered physically, finally after 8 weeks. Breastfeeding although challenging is sooooo much better and I am so proud that I didn't give up and Lucas never had a sip of formula. His horrible birth is starting to be less of a
painful memory. So now what you ask??? ALLERGIES. Lucas has a milk and soy allergy. I now have to eliminate all dairy and soy from my diet. That means NO processed food(probably a good thing)....and no milk, cheese, cream, bread, and most other foods. i can eat meats and chicken and proteins, veggies and fruit. Thats about it. That will hopefully stop the green blood streaked poops, bad gas, reflux, and other symptoms lucas has. It would be a lot easier to quit BF and give him alimentum formula but HELL NO. Not after all I have been through to give this little guy all the benefits of booby milk. I am grateful to produce enough of this goodness to sustain him. He is 13.1 pounds as of today 8 weeks 4 days. He is thriving but hurting. Poor little guy.

1 comment:

psych127 said...

His Holiness the Dalai Lama
"Every noble work is bound to encounter problems and obstacles. It is important to check your goal and motivation thoroughly. One should be very truthful, honest and reasonable. One's action should be good for others, and for oneself as well."
I'm so proud of you