January 31, 2012

Lucas' soon to be BFF

Jillian and Pete came and met Lucas. We are sooooo excited to both have boys (hers is coming April). The fact they will be only 4 months apart is a bonus. We have lots of plans for an awesome childhood together. We do wish they lived closer but an hour away isn't too bad! It's much better than when they lived in Florida..... Although we do miss the free trips to their condo!!!! I have to comment on this photo that Pete took. I was so self conscious about a double chin that between Jillian and I, we made him retake the photo like 10 times and each time I jutted my neck out more and more till I totally looked like a bobbing chicken....He didn't quite understand the vanity of it all! He was a trooper though, Ryan would NOT have accomodated us!

1 comment:

psych127 said...

What a Great picture...the beauty of Motherhood...I especially like that the background is the cooking pots making it even more motherly.

Congrats to Jullian