February 3, 2012

I give and sustain life

This amazes me. Each day Lucas does something new or gets bigger I am truly amazed. Maybe it's the fact that I struggled so much with breast feeding. I am in awe that he thrives because I help him grow. I give him food to live, I stimulate him, love him, snuggle him, give him safety and support. I keep him clean and healthy. His head gets bigger because I feed him, that's so obvious yet seems so amazing to me. His body thrives on food that my body produces. These things are all a given yet blow my mind! This morning he grabbed his foot for the first time and I snapped the photo a second too late. He is 5 weeks 4 days today! Maybe that easy 6 week mark will prove true???

1 comment:

psych127 said...

Sorry, Smitty C, But right now, He is a Miniature Ryan