February 20, 2012

8 weeks old

Lucas will be two months next Monday. Unreal. Every day I discover new things he can do. His hands move so much more controlled. He is able to sort of hold his binky now too. He is constantly smiling at us. Nice big open mouth smiles. He Cracks up at Ryan and also in the morning when he is on his changing table. If we stick our tongue out at him, he sticks his back at us. He now reaches his feet up at his toys hanging from his playmat. I know I'm his biased mama but he somehow gets cuter every day. He is packing on the weight and is fitting 3-6 month clothing and size two diapers. He hates his carseat and in the car an in between am station stops the crying. I will update more next week after his 2 month well visit. Here is a photo dump!


Liz said...

Aww, he is such a sweetie!

psych127 said...

Lucas, you get cuter by the day. Glad you are doing more. Let me warn you now...It's not going to be easy growing up with two parents in the Education field...hang in there, they mean well and when you start talking you can tell them to ease up. Keep smiling buddy.