February 10, 2012

6 Week Old Update

Lots going on so I decided to jot it down. Lucas no longer sleeps well. I am slowly accepting that babies give you a taste of good things to come and then do a 360 and say HAHAHAHAHAHHA in your face! We were getting 4-5 hour stretches of sleep for a few weeks and then BAM....maybe a 6 week growth spurt but we/I am lucky to get 2, 3 TOPS! The worst part is the last hour of his sleep is spent grunting and kicking his arms an legs, therefore I am awake. He naps on his belly so much better than when he sleeps on his back but I am NOT ready for night tummy sleeping, even with an angelcare monitor. Lucas went to the Dr. yesterday for a few things and weighed in at a whopping 12 pounds 11 ounces! That's the 90th percentile! Two weeks ago at his 1 month checkup he was 11 pounds 1 ounce 79th percentile! He is quite the big boy! He is getting so strong and two night in a row during naked tummy time, he rolled from his tummy to his back. Ryan even got to see him do it last night, so I have a witness! He is still fussy, mostly in the late afternoon through till bedtime. He is smiling so much and if Ryan sticks his tongue out at him, he will stick it out back! SO CUTE!!! Everything else is good, I am getting used to staying home, and getting out at least once a day for my sanity. We bought a new car so driving is VERY enjoyable. Ryan traded his Jeep Wrangler and we got a 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is AWESOME! There is so much room and that is a huge help with the baby.

1 comment:

psych127 said...

He is, One, Beautiful Looking Baby.