January 26, 2012

1 Month Old!!!!

WOW is all I can say! Lucas is ONE month old today. Time does fly, as they say. Lucas is a BIG baby who eats literally every hour or so, sometimes more often. I feel like I nurse my life away! That's a good thing though, since even with all of my breastfeeding difficulties, I have not given up and it HAS gotten better...somewhat! A little progress is all I can ask for at this point. Lucas this morning, knowing he had is 1 month checkup at the Dr., decided to smile and even made a FEW coos....not many and not often, but a few. I cant even explain what hearing them felt like. Having a baby that spends a lot of awake time crying, moaning and grunting...hearing a sweet noise was just amazing. Here are my chunkers stats:

11 lbs 1 ounce 79%
Height: 22.5 inches 81%
Head: 38.5 54%

As of last week he had gained over 2 pounds in 3 weeks and it seems he is finally slowing down and getting longer. The appt went perfectly. He has hit all the milestones they look for and it feels really good to feel like I am finally doing something right....granted he is the one thriving! He had his cardiologist follow up yesterday and after he showed off and laid still on the exam table for 30 minutes while he got an ECHO, EKG and sonogram, he was cleared to never return again! That was wonderful news. His valve closed and he has a low resting heart rate due to a very efficient heart, not a due to a problem....takes after his efficient papa! Although Lucas can be difficult, crabby, fussy, and unhappy....the little booger sleeps WELL!!! He gives us 4-5 hours at the first stretch and then another 2-3 hour stretch. After he gets up for the morning he will take another snooze giving me the chance to caffeine my blood and get my morning settled. He also naps often during the day, its just when he IS awake, it is hard to keep him happy. All in all, if I were more patient, I'd say this newborn thing isnt TOO bad!! I attempted One month photos and as you can see....awake time produces screaming and crying! Without the Paci, we were out of luck!

1 comment:

psych127 said...

Happy Birthday Lucas. So glad you are here and can't wait to meet you.