December 24, 2011

40 week 5 day Appointment

I went to my OB...again today. I was not hopeful but I guess I really was. I had my NST and again baby looked great, my blood pressure was great, no problems. He did another internal and not only am I not dilated but my cervix is HIGH and BACK.......lovely. He did another u/s to check fluid level and as DOC says...he's got plently of fluid in there. He is head down though and ready, but I guess to cozy to come out. So here is the doctors plan. He is out of the office till Thursday. Therefore, I will have Mondays NST and U/S at Labor and delivery, wheremthey again will do an internal. If nothing, I will see doc in his office thursday morning. If nothing still, then I will go in thursday night for an induction. hat would mean most likely a Fiday December 30th baby....a far cry from December 19th! That would put me at 41 weeks 5 days....he will be HUGE!

1 comment:

psych127 said...

Smitty C, I understand that you want RJ to arrive but I'm going to miss your blog. I enjou it so much...PS,no more pictures?, come on, you look adorable even if you don't always feel like it.