April 19, 2012

Rest of Key West trip 4/1-4/7 2012

Let's just say I wished we stayed longer. It was THAT good. A few things made our trip perfect.

1. Lucas' good twin came on vaca with us. Thank GOD. He was an ANGEL. He let us go out to breakfast and dinner every night and morning. He would sit in his stroller and stare at the palm trees swaying or flirt with any woman that would make eye contact. If they didn't look at him he stared and smiled until they did. We hung out by the pool while Lucas would nap which allowed both of us to relax and cool off. We took daily walks up duval and back which was another nap for Lucas. Even catching his first cold (pitiful) he was SO happy All Day Long. He slept in his stroller due to the congestion and slept 5-6 hours straight and then another few after nursing. We even spent a day at the beach which was definitely more difficult but fun. Lucas went in the ocean and the pool. Everywhere we went people commented in how good he was. I can honestly say for the entire trip he cried maybe twice an for like five minutes a pop. Of course after being back in NJ my fussy baby returned. I think Lucas wants to move to warmer weather.
2. Our hotel was in the perfect location. We stayed at the southernmost hotel at the quiet end of duval street. It was amazing and we walked everywhere. The hotel had pools, pool bars, laundry, restaurant, beach chairs. They were wonderful.
3. The weather was absolute perfection. Sunny and 83 every single day. Can't beat that.
4. Although it appears he spent a ton of time in his stroller he didn't. It just was the only time I could take photos! We had a few breakfasts on my lap. When he was awake at the pool we held him or took him in the pool. We did a ton of tummy time on our king bed. The kid loved the stroller though. Which is hilarious because he hates it at home!!!

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