April 13, 2012

Off to Key West 4-1-12

Lucas' first Airplane trip!!! We booked this trip MONTHS ago before we had a baby. I thought by three months I'd have a perfect STTN baby.
HAHAHHAHA. We were very nervous about flying with him and being "that" family with a screaming baby. Luckily we were only flying 2.5 hours away. Lucas wore his "Conratulations, You get to sit near me" shirt and we did get a ton of side eyes while boarding from those sitting near us. We were lucky and asked the gate agent if we can have a full row which would make nursing easier. Even with an almost full plane we had a row to ourselves. This was HUGE. Lucas flew like a champ. Not a PEEP out of him. People around us commented in awe. I had to let them know this is NOT tyical of my noisy, fussy, monster. By 10am we were in warm Fort Lauderdale where we all stripped down to minimal clothing. Lucas was in HEAVEN!

1 comment:

psych127 said...

Great Mommy shot...I see your foot wedged in the corner...got comfortable real fast...way to go