April 13, 2012

Key west interruption

I am tired. Very tired. I have tons more to write about regarding key west but don't have the energy. The reason i am tired is an entirely other post. I wanted to mention Lucas' doctor appt before I forget. He caught a cold the first day of our vacation and was still sick a week later. The pedi checked him out and felt he was almost all cleared up. He weighed in at 15 lbs 12 oz at 3 and 1/2 months. He gained a pound and a half in a month. Lucas also had some minor surgery on Wednesday. He had a clogged salivary gland which resulted in this lump in his mouth. Sort of looked like a skin tag but bigger. We of course had Dr. Houston look at it (the family I nannied for) and he said it's nothing to worry about unless it starts getting in the way. Well, it started to. It doubled in size and lucas began playing with it with his tongue. It also started to hang outside his mouth while nursing. It was the size of an eraser head. One quick snip and it was removed. Lucas was a champ. Of course I wasn't worried since I trust my life with Sean and he is the best ENT/surgeon around. Lucas didn't even cry. He cried when Sean was pinching it to stop the bleeding. Sean felt bad and just as he was leaving Lucas laughed at him. Sean told Lucas he just made his day. Lucas smiles and laughs ALL the time. It is infectious.

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