March 16, 2012

11 weeks

Lucas had a doctors appointment for two reasons. One was for a poop check. I am three weeks dairy/soy free and she wanted to test his poop for blood again. Of course my always regular once a day pooper had not pooped in over 24 hours so we did not get a diaper test. I have seen no blood in two weeks so that was good. He will still need to have a poop check for microscopic blood.
Lucas is 14 pounds 6 ounces which is the 82nd percentile. He is still 97% for height. The best part of the appointment is that at his two month appt. I told her that I thought he was teething. She told me I was nuts. This time, only two weeks later, I decided not to mention it. She was examining his mouth and goes, "Guess what, he is teething!". Yea, no sh@t sherlock. She could feel the bumps on his gums and he literally drools through numerous bibs and shirts. Of course he wont cut teeth for a while but could be sooner than later. He sports his baltic amber necklace which I think helps but who knows!! He chews everything he can get in his mouth.
He also had two more shots. HIB and Polio. He didn't even cry for the first shot and cried for five seconds after the second shot. He is definitely daddy's boy. He doesn't go back till four months which is weird to not go every month. I love going! I also got to show the pedi the little video of his giggling fit. I'd post it but my voice is comletely nauseating.
The past four nights his sleep has improved but i am NOT holding my breath!!! Now for some cuteness. For those bumbo haters, me included, he sits in it twice a week for no more than two minutes. He wants so bad to sit up. He does constant sit ups and I swear he is soon to be sporting a six pack!!

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