February 27, 2012

Two Month Well Visit

Thank God that is over. I didn't sleep
last night. The thought of him getting shots, deciding which two shots to
give, worrying about those shots, worrying how/if he will react to the shots, will she say he is on target with milestones??? Good Lord being a mama is quite challenging at times!!
Here are big mans stats:

Weight: 13 Lbs. 4oz. 82%
Height: 24.75 in. 96% (thats nuts!!)
Head: 41 cm. 73%

Obviously he is growing and although my boob milk gives him problems, it still does it's job. I am on day 3 of being dairy and soy fee and it actually isn't so bad. If it helps Lucas feel better It's worth it.
As for milestones, she said he is above average. He is holding his head up with no wobble for most of the time he is upright. He follows with his eyes, smiles, coos, grabs things, and is very aware of his hands. I'm sure there was more but I sound enough like a psycho mom who thinks her child is fantastic. He IS fantastic. All these milestones are wonderful, I am just happy he is doing them on time.
SHOTS. He got two. I wanted one but he got two. He had the DTaP and the PCV. He will go back in two weeks and I will let him get one more before we fly to Florida. I THINK that one will be the HIB. At that appointment he will also have his stool tested for blood again to make sure my new diet is working. He had one shot in each poor chunky leg and he did the lip quiver, open mouthed silent scream, red faced, tear thing. I didn't shed a tear. I told the pedi I handled it so well because that cry is what I have to listen to every evening for on average four hours. I felt bad but it was pretty doable. I nursed him immediately after which calmed him right down.
He is sleeping now and I hope he has a peaceful day. His new superman babylegs are waiting to be worn!!

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