January 8, 2012

Lucas is almost 2 weeks old!

Lucas is already over 9 pounds! He left the NICU down 8 ounces from his birth weight of 8lbs 12 oz. At his first pedi appt on December 20th he weighed 8lbs 6 ounces, and at his weight check on Tuesday January 3 he was up 10 ounces weighing 9 pounds! The doctor couldn't believe he gained so much! We are in the process of feeding him every 2 hours during the day to try and keep him up more since he is up all night. We have been fairly successful with the help of some white noise and the Fisher Price Rock in Play which he loves to sleep in. I have had some nursing issues, and am pumping so I can alternate with the bottle to give my boobs a rest. It is a TON of work but I refuse to give up just yet. I have met with 3 lactation consultants and plan to attend a new moms breastfeeding group at the hospital. Ryan has been off the past 2 weeks and it has been a complete BLESSING! I truly didn't realize how hard this baby thing is!

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